Need a convenient accounting software for your online store? Business is gaining momentum, and you can no longer cope with the flow of orders? Want to sell more by investing less, that is to work more efficiently? Software – the perfect accounting system! It solves the main tasks of the back office: order processing, […]
Over the past two years, crowd marketing has grown to become a fully-fledged tool for internet marketers and SEO specialists. The demand for this method of promotion, according to Google, continues to grow. Simply put, crowd marketing is the placement of interesting comments with a recommendation of a particular company in those areas where its […]
Today you will not surprise anyone with the announcement “I want to buy subscribers on Instagram?”, The whole Internet is full of similar ones. And all because the social network Instagram has become one of the most popular. Here you can not only exchange short videos or photos, also on the site of this social […]
Own site has long been an integral feature of any company. Accordingly, along with an increase in the number of sites, the number of offers of services to ensure their work also grew. And the most popular of them is shared hosting. Ordering a shared hosting is the simplest and most affordable way to make […]
Professional programming implies that the result of labor, a software product, will be used by a certain circle of people, users. At the stage of program development, in which a group of people can participate, users are represented by the Customer. To complete the task of creating and operating software, custom software development company divide […]
The message ought to tell your complete tale, and need to be enjoyable and also fascinating to read. It does not matter if it’s a donation, benefit or equity based crowdfunding campaign. Get individuals into your story. As well as your tale isn’t the cash you increase now, that’s just the factor individuals are listening […]
I can best describe what I mean by “full-stack engineer” using the analogy of a new product introduction (NPI).
Yes, developing an application that works on both Android and iOS can be a real problem. For example, the UI / UX design approach for these two most popular mobile operating systems is strikingly different. When adapting an iOS application to work with Android, it is necessary to take into account both the technical features […]
FARO has announced the availability of RevEng. The advanced software platform provides FARO Design ScanArmandFARO 8-Axis FaroArm system users with a powerful tool that enables a comprehensive digital design experience.
For those following the rising use of 3D printing for prosthetic replacements, you may have noticed that humans aren’t the only ones benefiting from these constant breakthroughs in 3D printed assistive devices.